Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dreams that warn us about illnesses

Dreams that warn us about illnesses

There are many ways a person can go in order to avoid illnesses : healthy eating habits, regular physical exercises, active life … Another thing to do in order to be aware of and prevent coming illnesses is simply following your dreams.

Even in the ancient times it was known that dreams can warn us about the forthcoming illnesses and sicknesses. The reasons of the phenomena were discussed for many centuries. Aristotle ,for example, wrote that the “beginnings of diseases and other distempers which are about to visit the body… must be more evident in the sleeping than the waking state.”

It is assumed that when health changes take place in our bodies , the organism alarms us by sending nervous impulses to our brain, where they are transformed into different images that often appear in our dreams. For instance, seeing raw meat in one’s dream may indicate a soon coming illness, persons having heart problems (even if they don’t know about it) often see dreams in which they are being strangled, those who had had heart strokes claim about seeing the previous night a dream in which they wore small-sized dress which couldn’t be removed in any way.

Famous Russian psychologist M. Vinogradov advises to pay more attention to your health in case of often seeing the following in your dreams

· Being completely naked or toothless

· Eating unripe fruit

Seeing a white butterfly

Seeing a broken vase or glass

Drinking dirty water or walking on it

· Seeing edges of cut nails or ends of hair

· Wandering in a complex maze

Eating cobras , moths or flies

Looking at the moon eclipse or at a burnt candle

Walking across a layer of ice

Hearing the sound of a cuckoo

Of course all these dreams can simply be the result of your imagination and the reflection of your life experiences, but if the same image keeps appearing in your dreams , it may actually mean something. All in all, taking preventive measures won’t do any harm.

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